Suhaema Suhaema, Retno Wahyuningsih, Fifi Luthfiyah, Gina Edya Triandini


Background : The prevalence of hypertension in West Nusa Tenggara in 2013 was 24.3%, this figure increased in 2018 to 27.8%. Treatment of hypertension can be done in two ways, namely, pharmacology and non pharmacology. Non-pharmacological treatment can be done with the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet and consuming functional foods, one of which is soybeans. Soybeans contain isoflavones and the amino acid tryptophan which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, one of which is hypertension.

Objectives : Objectives in this literature study is to examine the effect of giving soybean based products on reducing blood pressure from various literature sources.

Methods : The literature search in this literature study uses three databases, namely Google Scholar, Microsoft Academia, and Garuda Portal. The keywords used in the literature search were "soybean products and blood pressure", "product soybean and blood pressure", "product soybean and hypertension".

Results : From 10 journals that have been reviewed, it is found that all of them stated that soy products can reduce blood pressure. The average reduction in blood pressure after the intervention of soybean-based products was 10,84/7,57 mmHg. Conclusion : From 10 journals that have been reviewed, it can be concluded that the provision of soy products can reduce blood pressure.

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