Description of Intake of Macronutrients, Antioxidants, and Nutritional Status in Breast Cancer Patients with Chemotherapy
Background: Breast cancer is when the growth of cells in the breast glands is fast and abnormal, so these cells lose their standard control and function and form a lump.
Research Methods: The type of research used was descriptive research with a cross-sectional research design using a proportion sampling technique. The sample in this study totaled 36 people using a questionnaire and a food recall form.
Research Result: The results of the study showed that from 36 respondents, it was found that the respondent's energy intake (52.8%) was less than the requirement, the respondent's protein intake (61.1%) was less than the requirement, the respondent's fat intake (72.2%) was good, the respondent's carbohydrate intake ( 61.1%) less than needed, respondent's vitamin A intake (69.4%) is lacking, respondent's vitamin C intake (50.0%) is lacking, respondent's vitamin E intake (80.6%) is less than requirement.
Conclusion: Breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy at RSI Siti Khadijah experience decreased appetite, nausea, and vomiting, resulting in an imbalance of nutrients. It is recommended that cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy pay more attention to various foods, especially vegetable and fruit foods that contribute to vitamins A, C, and E, so that nutritional imbalances do not occur.
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